Time for some family fun in Shenandoah! Recently I read a book called Hands Free Life by Rachel Macy Stafford. Ok I didn’t read it but I did listen to most of it on my Overdrive app. If you’re a busy mama and love to read check it out! Anyway, back to the book! The parts I did listen to were very eye opening. In fact the book is still waiting for me somewhere in the “save for later” part of my amazon cart.
The book talks about living a life that really matters. What does that even mean? Her daughter described it in four little words. “Keeping track of life”. Rachel goes on to say this; “Keeping track of life is knowing you’re on your true path towards fulfillment. It’s being at peace with who you are and how you are living. It’s placing your head on the pillow at night knowing you’ve connected with someone or something that made your heart come alive. It’s investing in what really matters, understanding full well that managing life is the tendency but living life is the goal.”
“Keeping Track of Life”
So with those words buzzing in my head I felt an immediate need to reconnect with my family. Therefore, our lazy days of sitting around the house, everyone in a different room, staring at a different screen needed to end! Don’t get me wrong I love those days occasionally, but when I look back on the days my kids were at home I wanted those days to be filled with something more than PS4 games, iPads and Netflix.
I’m not a perfect mother but I love my kids with all my heart! Therefore, the Hands Free Mama will be making its way out of the “save for later” status and put into action sooner than later! I’ll keep you updated on my progress. Until then wish me luck!
Not all our pictures are perfect! LOL Thought I’d share a few outtakes for fun! 🙂