The Blog

Starting My Photography Business

Life with Stacie

You should start a photography business.

It’s a cold January morning. The kids have gone back to school after the Christmas break and the house is quiet. As I shivered during my morning walk, a crazy thought popped into my head.  You should start a photography business. The thought wasn’t actually that crazy; more the fact that I decided to act upon it. I knew God had opened a door, but was I brave enough to walk through it? Let me give you a little backstory.

In Spring 1999, I had recently graduated from college and months later got married. Sounds pretty normal, right?  Well, we weren’t planning on getting married until April of 2000. However, he was recently commissioned in the Marine Corps and was told he would be leaving on deployment soon. This meant he would not be home for our April wedding. Instead of pushing the wedding back, like any wise couple would do, we did the exact opposite and decided “why wait??!!”  We moved the wedding up, which only left our families a few months to plan.  LOL!  Thanks, Mom & Dad, for rolling with it and sorry we didn’t give you more warning.  We moved two weeks after the wedding to our first duty station. Two weeks after that he deployed.  What on earth were we thinking??!!

“I decided to become a professional mom and volunteer.  You can travel anywhere and always have a job!”

Fast forward 18 years…; I am still married to my amazing husband, he is still an active duty Marine, and we have a fire team of children.  We have moved enough times and met so many amazing people throughout this Marine Corps career, that we can travel across the U.S. and visit with friends at nearly every stop we make.  The only negative about the Marine Wife life is the effects it has on a career.  Our service members get transferred and there is always a new job waiting for them.  Spouses, on the other hand, tend to struggle a bit more with the transition process.  That is why I decided to become a professional mom and volunteer.  You can travel anywhere and always have a job!  HA!

Through all the moves, jobs and volunteer positions, one thing always remained constant…; at some point in time I was always behind a camera!

Funny, the more I think about it, the more I realize God had been preparing me for this door a long time.  I can remember being one of the kids who had a camera on the last day of school.  I was even the Public Affairs Officer for my JROTC unit in high school.  There has rarely been a time in my life that I didn’t have quick access to a camera.  So, now that I am standing here at the door God opened for me, I am scared and overwhelmed, yet filled with anticipation and excitement at the same time!  It’s time to do more with your photography, Stacie. He’s been preparing me all these years.  The door was open. I gathered the courage to step through, and the idea of Stacie Hubbard Photography was born.  After a lot of work, tears and patience, the idea has become a reality!

Welcome to Stacie Hubbard Photography!

I look forward to serving you!

photographer taking a picture.