Have you ever noticed how summer can seem long and short at the same time? School ends and the first few weeks of summer seem heavenly. No alarm clocks, no plans, no problems. But then you hit a certain point and feel a twinge of panic that it’s going too fast. This is when you realize it’s almost over. The school supplies make their way to the front of the stores and back to school signs begin to pop up everywhere. For me that means time to get to work. I was super excited for Kayla’s summer senior session at Leesylvania State Park. We’ve had it planned for months and the time had finally arrived!
New locations always have me a little nervous. Where will the light be, is there enough shade, how many people do I have to work around. But once I met Kayla and her mom Stephanie all of that melted away! Kayla was a dream! I think she brought half her closet, which I loved!! I knew it would give us plenty to play with and I’d be able to help her have an amazing and memorable senior session! My goal is to please not only my seniors but their parents as well! So multiple outfits is a must!
We started with her in a beautiful flowing dress. There was a quiet place along the beach with some gorgeous driftwood as the perfect prop for pics with her cello. I had Kayla play a few notes as I enjoyed capturing these beautiful shots.

Then we switched gears to something a little more fun! Being a military child brings a whole new experience to childhood. They are also some of the most resilient kids I know. We wanted to capture a few fun shots to represent this part of Kayla’s life. I think this was some of the most fun I had taking pictures!! Thanks for being such a good sport and willing to try anything and have fun while doing it!

Finally we ended Kayla’s summer senior session with something that points to her future. I was really impressed with Kayla’s plans for college. Those plans may or may not go exactly as she has planned. But I know this, she will meet each challenge with the smile and confidence I observed in her this day.

Stephanie & Kayla it was such a pleasure meeting you both! I had the best time with both of you!! Good Luck this year Kayla! I pray your senior year is amazing and allows you to create some unforgettable memories. I’ll be cheering you on as you reach for your goals!