The Blog

Christmas In Virginia

Life with Stacie

It’s our second Christmas in Virginia! Christmas time at the Hubbard house is always a festive event. If you ask my husband he will tell you our house transforms from a normal family home to Santa’s workshop every year.

“She has tubs. And tubs…and TUBS of decorations”.

I don’t think we have that many decorations but I do love to spread the holiday cheer!

This year has been full of exciting new adventures. Chad continues to settle into the office life of the Marine Corps. He definitely misses the days of being dirty in the desert. However, having a consistent schedule greater ability to be present at family events has been wonderful for him! We also took the opportunity for a mini vacation to enjoy the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains together!

I decided to take my photography from a personal passion to a passionate business. My first year has been amazing in so many ways! I couldn’t be more thankful! I also decided I needed a 40th birthday goal. Something difficult and amazing to accomplish was added to my to do list, the Marine Corps Marathon! It was truly something I will never forget.

Madison began her first year of public school and entered the first grade. Mom & Dad were definitely more nervous than our precious princess. She’s working so hard and loving class everyday. Her favorite subjects are… “Everything”! She has also expressed the desire to become an Art teacher when she grows up. Love it! And even though we had a rough start, Madison really enjoyed her first year of soccer. Especially when it was her turn to play goalie!


Caleb is continuing to be an academic rock star during his sophomore year. He finished his Freshman year with an academic letter for maintaining a 3.5 GPA or higher. We couldn’t be more proud of him! In baseball news he had an amazing fall season and added yet another grand slam to his records. Hoping and praying for great things next spring!


Sweet Cody still surprises us everyday. I know there is a master builder, designer, or architect buried somewhere inside. He absolutely loves Legos or anything he can build or construct freely. Even though he is still not one for small talk if you really want to engage him in a conversation simply discuss, Super Mario Bros, trains or of course his favorite subject…Food!

Last but not least, Noah! What can I say about this kid. He finished his 7th grade year with the Citizen of the Year award. Only one boy and one girl from each class are chosen for this award. We were so excited and surprised when his name was announced! Noah did so well academically his teachers recommended him for all advanced classes his 8th grade year. Even with the added work load he is maintaining his all A’s academic record. He also continues to be an baseball rockstar and wants to pursue guitar lesson in the new year.

So many more wonderful things happened this year there are too many to recount. Blueberry picking in New York, family reunion for Scott & Tina’s wedding, and an amazing week in Georgia with lots of lake swimming and peach picking! It’s been one amazing year!

Merry Christmas everyone! Wishing continued blessings upon you & your families as we look to the New Year!!!