The Blog

Silver Oak Leaves


Congratulations LtCol & Mrs. McCully, job well done! When I say job well done, I really mean it! It’s not easy to become a LtCol in the Marine Corps. On average, it takes a service member 16 to 22 years to attain the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Out of approximately 900 eligible Marine Officers, a little more than 300 were selected for LtCol this past year. The Marine Corps has always been, and hopefully will always be, about The Few, The Proud. They don’t take everyone and those who are selected for Officer Candidate School (OCS) won’t make it through candidacy to earn the title Officer of Marines. Lots of people think that OCS is like club med. “Officers don’t really have it as hard as enlisted recruits at boot camp at MCRD Parris Island or San Diego.” Well, I would argue that they are both difficult and unique in their own ways. Officers aren’t only physically taxed, but mentally as well. For the select few warriors that become Leaders of Marines the standards must be higher…; you won’t get a medal just for showing up.

So when Ashley asked if I could take pictures during Adam’s promotion, of course I was going to make time for this special event! Promotions are a big deal.  The amount of time, dedication and sacrifice that is endured to reach each promotion milestone is definitely worth celebrating! I was honored, not only to be invited to attend this special day, but I was given the opportunity to capture images that will become part of their story. Again, congratulations, Adam & Ashley! Semper Fi!