It’s November! The only month from August to February we don’t have a birthday to celebrate. Birthdays are kind of a big deal in our family. Some years are bigger than others. But no matter how big the birthday celebration, one thing always remains the same. Birthday Donuts! This Hubb Club birthday tradition wasn’t a purposefully thought out or planned tradition. Honestly, I can’t even remember when it began. I do know it was when our boys were very young and donuts were not a regular happening at our home. But ever since those early years we have found a way to incorporate some kind of donut feast for birthday breakfast.
Now some of you may be thinking…Donuts for breakfast? How is that a “tradition”. Donuts are just a normal American kind of breakfast food. What is so special about donuts for breakfast? Nothing really. The tradition isn’t marked by the donuts, the cake, or the presents. The tradition is created when you do something special, consistently. We chose donuts. We don’t buy them regularly and decided to make them a special treat on birthdays. So every birthday it’s rise and shine, bright and early as either myself or my husband ventures out to find that special breakfast treat.
Traditions are an important part of leaving a legacy of love in your family.
Traditions build strong family relationships between generations. In a world where we can all feel a little lost at times, family traditions help fill that need to belong. The first and most important thing we belong to should be family. It’s our foundation. Being a part of the special things our family does, helps us to have a sense of belonging. Traditions also provide a sense of security with young ones. It’s about creating something which binds us together and know we can depend on year after year.
I’m sure there are many things you did with your family growing up that you maybe wouldn’t have called a tradition then but looking back now you can see how you looked forward to, and counted on those special times to be fun and filled with joy. I want my children to look back on their childhood and remember how we made a big deal about celebrating the day they joined our family. So we have donut breakfast, special dinners, delicious birthday cakes, and yes presents. In the end they may not remember every present they received but they will remember the donut breakfast on their birthday.
So go! Start now! It’s not too late to leave a legacy of love and begin a new, or carry on a family tradition. All you need to do is start and be consistent. And don’t forget to snap a photo or two.