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Kids, Portraits

I had the most fun spending the afternoon with these sisters. It was a cool afternoon but that didn’t stop them from being full of life. One was sweet, another was shy and one was full of silliness and sass; but they were each amazing in their own way. We decided we didn’t want to have a typical portrait session. We wanted to capture the silly, beautiful and loving emotions of these three sisters. So we went for a little stroll through Government Island, ran across bridges, climbed mountains and laughed the whole time.

…they possessed a wonderful spark of adventure

Raising all girls is something I have no experience with. Being the mom of only boys for 9 years gave me a very different parenting perspective. I now have a daughter and can only imagine what it would be like having more than one! The giggles and screams would be very different from the thundering herd that boys bring. As we wandered through the park I truly enjoyed talking with these girls. I learned all about their favorites; colors, shows, interest. Even though they were very much little girls they also possessed a wonderful spark of adventure. They truly enjoyed being outside in God’s creation. They were no strangers to hiking, running and exploring their surroundings.

Cindy your daughters are amazing. The love that these three sisters have for each other could only come from parents who show them that same love. I’m truly blessed by knowing your family and know that anyone who else who knows you feels the same way.