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What do you remember about your High School years? I’m sure I experienced some level of stress . But I can only remember the awesome parts! Friends, sports, events, dances; notice how I didn’t list academics. Academics are an obvious part of school, but what made high school great was the relationships. When we decided […]
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Why Senior Rep Teams? I imagine a Senior guy thinking why on earth would I want to be apart of a Senior Rep team and have to endure more than one senior portrait session during my senior year? It’s already bad enough my mom is forcing me to take senior portraits. Can’t you hear it? […]
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Senior Year! I remember high school being some of the best years of my life! Friends, sports, events and school spirit! I’m proud to say I was 100% school spirit nerd! I wore the school colors on spirit day. Loved attending the pep rallies before school on Friday’s. Never missed a football game (who misses […]